Events and Functions Photography
Events and functions photography presents a major opportunity to highlight your company’s best attributes.
It’s vital to enlist the services of a professional photographer to capture these fleeting moments. These days people are picture-wise easily spot amateur images taken by a staff member or friend that happens to have a good camera. It doesn’t make sense to spend so many valuable resources to put on a great company event only to be disappointed by very basic photos.
Reasons why you should hire a professional photographer:
- Photography can enhance an ordinary event and make it extraordinary.
- Great images last a long time after the event and can be continually used to enhance the company’s image.
- The important guests will remember good photos long after they have forgotten what was on the menu. If they look great, you benefit by free word-of-mouth publicity
- The professional has the experience, knowledge and skills to be able to capture those rare moments before they disappear.
My Approach To Event Photography
Prior to the event or function, Neil always meets or talks to the event manager to ensure that he has a clear and detailed understanding of their expectations. Some managers require him to stay low profile and less visible while others desire more active involvement. In this case, he photographs the main speakers and VIPs but then also moves around looking for opportunities to capture the guests at each table and also on the dance floor.
He much prefers getting involved because he feels the client gets much better value from their investment and has much more to show for it. He is also careful to dress appropriately for the more formal functions and will even don a tuxedo if required (and is willing to pay for the hire!).
His regular event and function clients treat him as part of their team and most times ensure he is seated close to them. This way they can quickly instruct him to shoot impromptu and unplanned photos.
Always seat your photographer close by to speed up his/her reaction time.
Here is a valuable tip if you are the speaker on the day – please don’t apply shiny moisturiser to your face especially if you are a man. The moisturiser wreaks havoc with both the flash light and stage lights because they create ugly string reflection highlights on the skin. Neil always carries neutral matt powder with him for such occasions. He encourages the men to apply it to the forehead, cheekbones and nose which ultimately makes for perfect pictures. His favourite quip is ‘all the great stars including sports folk get a powdering before going on camera’.
Points to Consider
Think about it this way “You should definitely put as much planning and effort in capturing the memory of your event as you did in actually making it happen…..”
Don’t leave these important details to chance…especially when you can do the right thing – that is to hire a Professional Photographer to do a professional’s job.
“As an Art Director I have worked together with Neil for many years. It’s a treat to collaborate on projects together, with him adding a colourful mix to every job. Neil’s technical knowledge of his equipment is deep and thorough. His expertise in lighting always brings out the best in every subject. I enjoy his creative edge which always enhances each shoot, with a willingness to flexibly adapt to each situation. Working with Neil is always an enjoyable experience and we come away looking forward to the next assignment. Neil can make the most serious and stern Executive feel like he is Brad Pitt in Hollywood. We always have fun. Neil is an experienced thoroughbred both in shooting and post production. Be assured, on every single shoot, here is an outstanding, reliable and creative photographer who delivers.”
Norman Hanna, Owner, Hanna Design
Book An Appointment To Discuss Your Events And Functions Photography Requirements Today!