Wedding Photography
My sole aim when taking wedding photographs has always been to capture those precious moments in time so that you, your family and friends can enjoy them forever. I want your pictures to stir up your thoughts and emotions about how you both felt on your special day – recalling romantic interludes as you linger and browse through those precious images.
This is just one of the times that you shouldn’t stint on investing in creative and beautiful pictures on probably one of the most exciting and important days in your life. This is one day that must be recorded by a professional photographer to capture, for always, the lovely things and moments this special day has to offer. All this must be captured in vivid detail, for after this momentous occasion all you will have left of this day is a husband or wife, a ring, some stale wedding cake and your pictures to relive these wonderful moments.
This is when the years of experience I have accumulated as a wedding photographer is most important!
Invest in Experience
Don’t let your uncle or friend with that great camera they got overseas shoot your wedding UNLESS you have done your homework and asked some serious questions. Is their work consistently very good? Are they are able to work under difficult and varying conditions? Is using their camera equipment second nature to them? Do they have backup equipment to deal with unforeseen glitches? And finally, are they skilled at using Photoshop to successfully edit and turn out great pictures?
Wedding photography is where the attitude of the photographer definitely plays a big roll in the outcome of the shoot .I always encourage the couple to be part of the team and to relax and enjoy the experience. I work hard at capturing the drama, atmosphere, emotions, style and most of all the fun!
I’m also a photographer who doesn’t mind other people shooting over my shoulder with their cameras and cell phones. The only conditions are that they don’t get in my way, try to take over the shoot or coach from the sidelines.
Over the years I’ve developed an “instinct” for timing, an ability to see a special moment developing and being able to shoot it as it unfolds. You can’t always ask them to please do it again. Also through experience, I’m able “think on my feet” and adapt quickly to unexpected situations such as when someone is not doing or being where they should be or the weather and wind are playing havoc.
Backup Photographic Equipment
I’m always prepared by having more equipment than I need with me. For instance, I carry a complete studio lighting system and a Nikon Creative Lighting System with me. So I can be sure that I always get what I call “my for sure pictures” no matter what happens with the weather or any other unplanned for occurrence.
Make up is not only vital for the bride, but for the groom as well. A slight application of Neutral Matt powder on the forehead and nose takes him from just so good looking to star quality in three very well spent minutes. This also prevents those strong shiny highlights which are very difficult to reduce during editing. Photographically speaking, for the bride and groom ultra shiny is not cool! Please inform your makeup artist that matt is best!
With most of the shots, I use dual cards which automatically backs up each shot simultaneously in different formats (.jpg and Raw) for those once in a lifetime moments. Raw format gives an enormous amount of after shot correction ability, allowing me to enhance the high light details in the brides dress and shadow detail in the grooms suit no matter how inopportune the lighting situation.
“As an Art Director I have worked together with Neil for many years. It’s a treat to collaborate on projects together, with him adding a colourful mix to every job. Neil’s technical knowledge of his equipment is deep and thorough. His expertise in lighting always brings out the best in every subject. I enjoy his creative edge which always enhances each shoot, with a willingness to flexibly adapt to each situation. Working with Neil is always an enjoyable experience and we come away looking forward to the next assignment. Neil can make the most serious and stern Executive feel like he is Brad Pitt in Hollywood. We always have fun. Neil is an experienced thoroughbred both in shooting and post production. Be assured, on every single shoot, here is an outstanding, reliable and creative photographer who delivers.”
Norman Hanna, Owner, Hanna Design
Book An Appointment To Discuss Your Wedding Photography Requirements Today!